Police injured as violence erupts outside Villa Park before Legia Warsaw match – video

01 December 2023 10:38
Police officers were injured after violence involving Legia Warsaw fans erupted before their game at Aston Villa. Missiles were thrown at police as the visiting fans were held in the coach park near Villa Park, before they were due to enter the stadium for the Conference League game on Thursday. Three officers were injured but the game – which Villa won 2-1 against the Polish side – started on time, although no Legia fans were allowed into the ground before kick-off. About 2,000 away fans had gathered, despite Legia having a restricted allocation of 1,000 following supporters’ behaviour at a previous group game in the Netherlands against Alkmaar. Villa said Legia fans 'engaged in planned and systematic violent acts against West Midlands police officers' about an hour before kick-off.Police injured as Legia Warsaw fans denied access to Aston Villa game Continue reading......read full article

Source: TheGuardian