Lewis Dunk’s Brighton equaliser settles thrilling contest against Liverpool

08 October 2023 15:21
Take two sides who press supremely well and attack at pace, but who also have defensive weaknesses, and perhaps it should be no surprise when the result is a thrilling game, an exhausting end-to-end battle, full of incident and intrigue, that probably left both managers slightly frustrated. The dynamic may have been predictable, but it was no less enjoyable for that.Would Liverpool be affected by last week’s video assistant referee controversy? Would their fury and sense of disillusionment curdle into something self-destructive? Might it even galvanise them? The truth is it barely seemed to make a difference at all. This was Liverpool as they have been for most of the season, a blend of brilliance and vulnerability that makes them look at times like title contenders while the sense lingers that this cannot be sustained. Continue reading......read full article

Source: TheGuardian