Joe Hart Confident As England Get Ready To Open Euro 2016 Campaign

Goalkeeper Joe Hart insists England's young squad are going to "give it all we've got" as preparations continue for their opening match of Euro 2016 against Russia on Saturday.Roy Hodgson has named the youngest England squad for 58 years, with the likes of Manchester United striker Marcus Rashford, 18, and 20-year-old Dele Alli of Tottenham included.Hopes are high, as they always are, that England can impress in France, and this time Hart is confident that will be the case.He told a press conference: "I'm looking forward to it."We've got a bright squad, people coming off the back of very good seasons or people who have been involved in England football for quite a while, so we're ready for it and we're looking forward to Saturday."It's hard because I've gone into every tournament confident and felt like we've been ready. So for me to say it's different this time would be wrong."But they've gone, they are the past, this is a new one, a new set of players - the majority - and we're fresh and ready and we're going to give it all we've got."We've certainly got all the backing we need. Everything that needs to be put in place has been put in place, it's now down to us to perform on the pitch."It's exciting, fresh, there are a lot of youngsters so they are going to be more comfortable than maybe other teams. There's a good bond right the way through."I think it's well known that Wayne (Rooney) is our oldest player, 30 years old, and he's such a key part of the squad. He's accessible to all the players, right the way through."There's definitely a connection, age doesn't really factor into this team. We are one and we're all pushing in the right direction."Hart, 29, has featured in four major tournaments for England and believes the bond in the squad is as strong as ever.He added: "You've got to enjoy it. I'm a kid who loves football - well I'm not a kid any more, I'm a grown man, but I love football."I'd be watching it as a huge England fan if I wasn't involved. But I've got one of those lucky spots where I might even be potentially representing my country on Saturday in a European tournament, so I'm going to enjoy it."I'm 29, hopefully got a lot of football ahead of me."I love playing football, I love being around guys that want to play football, that's a really good thing about this squad and we're enjoying each other as a unit. The only way we're ultimately going to enjoy this tournament is success so, like I say, that starts Saturday."

Source: PA-WIRE