Does Hulk have the strongest shot in football? This goalie would probably say so

He’s a strange case, is Hulk. The 28-year-old Brazilian is massively talented, but you can’t help but feel we’ve never consistently seen the best of him. It seems like he’s trying to make up for that though, by providing us with some light entertainment on a Friday. Here’s him in training for Zenit, hitting a ball so hard that the goalie flies backwards through the net. Really. How many times have you watched that? It’s quite incredible, and also more than a little bit suspicious. We really, really, want to believe that Hulk laced that ball hard enough to make a goalkeeper-shaped hole in the net, but we’ve never seen anything like it. Perhaps the best thing to do here is not be cynical, and to accept it wholeheartedly, despite the obvious fact that it’s fake. Regardless though, he can hit a ball VERY hard. HULK SMASH!!

Source: SNAPPA