Cristiano Ronaldo and Hugo the Troll, together at last

If you’re of a certain age, you may vaguely remember Hugo the Troll appearing on Saturday morning TV in the 90s. It was a weird cartoon game where kids would call up Andy Crane and then control the not particularly lovable troll (Hugo, not Andy Crane) on screen by shouting directions at him down the phone. Now Hugo is back, in the crossover collaboration that literally nobody has been waiting for – he’s been joined by none other than footballing superstar Cristiano Ronaldo in a new game, Ronaldo & Hugo: Superstar Skaters. As you can see from the video, it’s an endless runner in the style of Temple Run or Minion Rush and appears to feature our hero Cristiano escaping the evil paparazzi by skateboard. As to why – your guess is as good as ours. Maybe Ronaldo’s doing that thing that good-looking people do, standing next to ugly people to make themselves look better. Maybe he’s being paid a shedload of cash. Or maybe he just loves Hugo the Troll. It’s available to download now on iOS and Android if for some reason you want to play it.

Source: SNAPPA