Watch Southampton players being enjoyably rubbish at ice hockey - video

Athletes often seem to be brilliant at whatever sports they turn their hands to. But it’s not always the case – check out what happened when Southampton had a go at ice hockey on their team-building trip to Switzerland. We can’t help thinking they’d rather have gone somewhere warm… That’s exactly what we look like when we head down to the local rink too. It’s gratifying to know that the Bambi on ice routine isn’t restricted to us mere mortals. Southampton fans may be alarmed to see their players putting themselves in such apparent danger at the Vaillant Arena, home of HC Davos, but it seems nothing more than pride was damaged. And there were some high points too – here’s Ryan Bertrand finding the net… …and Eljero Elia doing likewise, in about the most underwhelming way imaginable. For a longer look at how they got on, check out this video.

Source: SNAPPA