City Club Shop Opening Hours

Shop Hours The Coventry City club shop at the Gallagher Retail Park is open during the following times - Monday to Saturday from 9.30am until 5.30pm and Sunday from 10.30am until 4.30pm. Gallagher Retail Park, Stoney Stanton Rd, Coventry CV6 5QE,Witney,+Oxfordshire&iwloc=lyrftr:transit,0x48774bf079ae6b59:0x5eed03455b4dd24f&ei=fel_UtWLFM3whQf34IG4DA&ved=0CIUBELAFMAo The Gallagher Retail Park is served by the number 21 bus which runs every eight minutes during the day (Monday to Saturday) Source: Coventry MAD