Wenger: 'We have not finished the job'

Arsene's post-Marseille comments. On Jack. "He's coming back to a good level now. You could see that on Saturday against Southampton and again in this game. He has started to score goals and I like what I see from him in this game. "He is starting to think, 'what Aaron Ramsey can do, I can do'. You can see that he is free to move in from his position on the flank and he does that in an intelligent way. "What is most important in a good football team is that many players can score and that many players can get chances. This time it was Wilshere and another time it will be someone else." On the game. "We were in control and we lacked a bit of sharpness to finish the game off, but overall we were always in control. The only regret is we could have scored more goals." "Overall, we did the job in a comfortable way. Maybe it was too comfortable. We didn't feel too much under threat and the positive collectively is we were strong and did not concede. We have not finished the job and we have to finish that in Naples. "We have 12 points from five games and overall it is a good number of points and I am confident that we can take another point or three in Naples if we play well. "It is an interesting game, a difficult one, but we have played other difficult games away from home against very good opponents and done well. That is what we have to put in our mind." Source: Arsenal World