Coventry Is The City of Reconciliation - Live Up To That Ideal

Trust Statement The Sky Blue Trust has held a series of meetings: with ACL, MEP Nikki Sinclair and its own members at a recent Open Meeting. Ms Sinclair relayed the thrust of her meeting with Joy Seppala and SISU’s view of all matters related to the sad state of affairs surrounding the club. The Trust has consistently called for all sides in this financially and emotionally costly dispute to put historic differences to one side and for the good of the city, the club and the fans meet, talk, negotiate and come to an agreement that allows the Sky Blues to come home. At the Trust open meeting this week the overriding view from those members attending was that regardless of what had happened in the past it was now time to look forward and the Trust board was urged to do whatever it could to bring this dispute to an end.   The Trust is working to broker a meeting between Anne Lucas and Joy Seppala in an attempt to lay the foundations for talks and we urge both ladies to show responsibility and leadership and begin the process of reconciliation. A solitary meeting will not bring about a resolution, especially as Anne Lucas has no direct influence over ACL’s business, but it may give each a better understanding of the other’s current state of affairs and pave the way for more inclusive talks involving all relevant parties. All have their fair share of blame to shoulder but now is not the time for recrimination but reconciliation – Coventry is known as the City of Reconciliation so for everyone’s sake please live up to that ideal and bring our team home.   Whilst the Trust will continue to criticise actions by any party it sees as detrimental to the team and its supporters, it is completely focused on one thing and one thing only – not on a change of ownership of the club but simply on bringing our team home to Coventry. This senseless dispute has caused financial and emotional hardship for the club, for the city’s businesses, for ACL and above all the fans. The fans have been split like never before, some have attended matches in Northampton whilst thousands of others have stayed away, either to make a stand or because they simply cannot make the trip to Sixfields. The Trust would never criticise any fan for going to support their team and would condemn anyone who denounces or abuses these fans right to make their choice but as an organisation we will continue to oppose Otium’s playing of matches 35 miles from home with peaceful protest and will keep working tirelessly to get a resolution.   Everyone is losing in this senseless dispute and the Sky Blue Trust will continue to talk to and urge all sides to meet, find a resolution and bring our team home. Source: Coventry MAD