Dee fan relives Anderlecht away trip

part 4 Id lost a new scarf on that occasion butsome young people think i have lost my marbles when i tell them that once made a booking to see dundee in the european cup final. it happened on the way back from that brussels trip when someone went around the plane asking for names that were wanting to go to wembley for the final so they could go ahead and re order the plane. Im really pleased that id put my name down as its not every day you get the chance to do that. Im not sure that they ever did provisionally book the plane for the final but if they did and documentation exists then perhaps it should be placed in the dens park trophy cabinet to remind every one at the club what our ambitions should be. Im also not sure how many survivors will remain from the trip but id like to think that we could put 11 on the pitch atleast,all of whom will fondly remember the wee vic bar and the incredible memories that mr elder helped provide for the 35 lucky dundee fans on that day. I for one have not given up hope that one day we might be able to do it all over again. Source: Dundee Mad