South End Developments?

The Club is pondering the options it has where the open end of the ground is concerned. With promotion to the second tier in the bag, the Club is considering its' options to build a fourth stand at Dean Court to increase capacity given the expected rise in gates the Championship is going to deliver. Initially the Club went on record about building a replica of the Steve Fletcher Stand at the open end, but now the Club is considering a larger stand, with Chairman Eddie Mitchell going on record in the Bournemouth Evening Echo as saying: "We are in two minds as to whether we build a replica of the North Stand or look further ahead and build something slightly bigger. If we did that, we would have to go back to planning. We have got a board meeting the week after next when it will be discussed. If we were to replicate the North Stand, it would only take our capacity to under 13,000, possibly a lot less because you have to leave so much space. As a result, we need to decide whether we redesign and go for something bigger. We would look silly if we had the opportunity to build a stand to increase the capacity to around 15,000 and had to demolish another one. It is something we may want to re-plan to get the capacity higher. One way or another, there will be a stand there but it will probably be a temporary one for part of next season. If we were to build a permanent one, we wouldn’t be able to have it ready for the start of the season. It needs a lot of planning so we might well opt to go for a bigger one". Source: Cherries MAD