Robert Elstone hopes economic upturn will help new Everton stadium chances

Robert ElstoneEVERTON chief executive Robert Elstone is hoping the economic upturn will boost the club's chance of building a new council-assisted stadium in Liverpool.The Blues have previously insisted that the only affordable option for their new ground was the ill-fated Kirkby Project.But since a Government inquiry ruled against the Kirkby plan, the club have entered into further talks with Liverpool council including a positive meeting last month.Council bosses offered the same potential stadium locations which the club have previously ruled out, including sites in Scotland Road, Speke and Aintree, but without the support of a developer like Tesco none were considered financially viable.But Elstone now hopes the national recovery from recession could make it easier for a scheme to secure financial support from elsewhere.He said: 'To date, several sites have been identified. All are familiar to us and all had been assessed previously, but this doesn't mean we'll come to the same conclusions as circumstances change.'The economy, in all respects, changes from day to day and we have to refresh our conclusions and look for new opportunities. I hope we are able to report progress in the near future.'There are many examples of council-led or partnered stadium developments in football over the course of the past decade and we hope, between us, we can create a scheme which, in the first instances passes our basic test of 'affordability' and, ultimately, becomes a reality.'

Source: Liverpool_Echo