CastIron Podcast moves to Iron-Bru

The CastIron Podcast has moved to a new home on as a number of changes to the site for the 2012/13 season. The expansion of the team behind Iron-Bru is accompanied by a new promise: that any profit made by the site will go towards Iron-related causes."Our motivation has never been personal financial gain, and we've sponsored kit and assisted groups like the Official Supporters Club and Iron Union for a while, but we thought this was an opportune time to formally recognise this." said Luke Thornhill, site editor."I am delighted to have the CastIron team join us at Iron-Bru, we've been able to provide some resources to ensure back episodes do not need to be deleted and that as many fans as possible will have access to this brilliant free service."We are reviewing the entire website to see what we can do better, this includes mundane things like updating player profiles and our list of former players but will also see the addition of more news, travel information and a blog which we hope to showcase some of the best writing on football around."The CastIron Podcast was launched last season by a group of fans, who promoted it via Twitter. The podcast team of Craig Baxter, Aidan McCartney, Nicola Kilmore and Carl Gac – along with occasional guests – will remain the same.In keeping with the promise to invest in fans causes, Iron-Bru will sponsor the full home kit of a first-team player this season, having sponsored Abdi Ibrahim and Connor Jennings over the past two campaigns. The site will also become the first corporate parter of the Iron Trust, the club's recently-launched supporters trust. The Trust has signed up 50 members since launching at the club's open day at the end of July, and hopes to make a significant purchase of shares in the football club in the coming months. "The Trust's aims of increasing supporter involvement with the club seems to fit well with our approach, and as it originally grew out of discussions on our messageboard it seems fitting that we are able to support the Trust through this site," added Thornhill, who is also a member of the Trust's interim board. "We would like to put money made by to causes that perhaps don't get much sponsorship or commercial attention at the moment, so would welcome any suggestions from regular users. The only obligation is that they are Iron-related."