Rangers and the Season Ticket debate

If you are considering wether to buy or renew you still have time. Rangers and the Season Ticket debate   If you are considering wether to buy or renew you still have time.   If Charles Green doesn't raise the £30million he says he will by the end of July then his credibility is completely gone.   If Charles Green does what his initial offer document states then from the £30 million he is raising the club will have around £20 million surplus cash on the balance sheet by the end of July.   The initial document said the "4th Closing" of his four rounds of fundraising would be on 6th July - subsequently the dates 17th and 21st July have been broadcast as the closing dates.  That's only a couple of weeks slippage in a complicated situation so let's not quibble.   The bottom line is that Mr Green has stated £30 million will be raised from his investor group by the end of July - not promised, not hoped for, but actual cash in the bank.  To be fair I have not heard reports he has said anything different in private to potential investors or buyers. He has been repeatedly and utterly confident on this point.  He says his investors are in it for the long-term and are committed to providing that level of funding no matter the circumstances.  He can't be any clearer.   For those who have any doubts whatsoever about handing over season ticket or any other forms of money Mr Green then your doubts will have been confirmed or removed utterly in a few weeks time.  Should he so wish he will be ale to demonstrate the cash in the bank.  In the circumstances I think that would be wise of him.   Likewise Mr Green has stated both that season ticket monies will be ring fenced and that he has enough working capital in place to run the company.   Depending upon what league Rangers end up playing in the first league game of the season will be the 4th or 11th of August.  So if you have doubts there is plenty of time for Mr Green to prove himself to you.