Another week of chaos ahead?

As Motherwell fans await the result of the Well Society's judgement on the application from the newco for SPL membership they know that the chaos in Scottish football is no nearer a resolution. When the ballot of Society members was announced it was not clear that the outcome of the SPL vote would be a foregone conclusion yet it will still serve as a valuable indicator of the strength of fans’ resistance to an accommodation for the newco.  Throughout the saga the consistent feeling of supporters has been that no special treatment should be used to customise a solution that would keep the big guns happy.  Due process should take its course and if that ends with a new team joining SFL D3 then fine. The SFL clubs will assemble on Tuesday to debate the paper that was cooked up under the auspices of Regan, Longmuir and Doncaster.  How will they react to the threat that an SPL 2 might be formed if they turn their backs on accepting the newco?  If the views of fans matter then the answer is clear. The SPL clubs will give a resounding NO to the newco’s application when they meet at Hampden on Wednesday.  With any luck that will mean that the gang of ten’s proposal to reform the voting system will pass at the AGM on July 16 and a fairer distribution of cash can be introduced. The time to restructure the game has arrived but it has to be done on the basis of sport and not at the behest of whoever happens to hold the TV contract.  It’s time for those in charge of Scottish football to pay heid to those who click through the turnstiles week in and week out.