We have a winner!

Congratulations to Jim Caird who has won a Steel Membership to the Well Society in the FirParkCorner draw. Tom Hateley pulled the lucky ticket at Fir Park on Tuesday afternoon. The idea for the draw came from users of the FPC messageboard and thirty £10 tickets were sold to make up the £300 pound joining fee for the Society. The draw took place in the afternoon sunshine and when the players freed themselves from the attentions of TV interviews ahead of Saturday's big game Tom took a moment to select a lucky ticket. The winner is a regular on the board and his membership pushes the Society a step nearer the £250,000 target set for incorporation.  There will be a further push tonight (Tuesday) as the club hosts a second 'Sign-Up' night. This evening's proceedings start around 6.30pm in the Centenary Suite when players and club board members will be on hand to meet prospective members.  Youngsters are promised the treat of a kick about on the pitch. FirParkCorner.com would like to thank all those who took part in the draw and congratulates the winner.  As some compensation for the rest there is the knowledge that the club will benefit from the cash raised.  We know the importance of a successful launch for the Well Society and to all who took part , well done.