Lack of vocal support

The `fans' are not pulling their weight You hear many teams talk of their 12th man - the vocal support from the fans.   When the going gets tough, noisy encouragement can make all the difference. In general Lichtie `fans' are simply letting down the team at a crucial time in this critical run-in.  Today at Forthbank exemplified the failings of our `support'.  Despite being present in significant number, for long stretches of the second half when the team were striving to get level, you could hear a pin drop in the away stand.   There are a small worthy band that try to get a chant started and a few individuals that try to project.  The rest might as well be trappist monks - not only taking a vow of silence but discouraging others from generating noise.   Of course there's always plenty of moaning going on - about the officials, the opposition but often extending to our own team.  That part is OK to some extent but it's not enough by a LONG way. Doesn't supporter mean supporting vocally?   Increasingly, its been suggested that, despite the numbers wearing maroon, we probably have the quiestest and least-coordinated support in the league Compare us to ANY other team - from Cowdenbeath to Albion - and I think our fans just too quiet and offer too little vocal support.  Even the Stirling fans, despite their lowly league placement, occasionally made some organised noise.    I think we don't really deserve a successful team.  What are we contributing?  We need to generate more positive noise. NO excuses