Royal British Legion Teams Up With Former Players Associaton

CCFPA teams up with RBL One of the aims that Coventry City Former Players Association has set itself is to seek out services which support and assist our membership wherever they have problems and difficulties. We have developed links with several organisations and agencies run by Sky Blue fans covering, for example, legal, health, financial and social support who are keen to help us fulfil this function at low or no cost to our members. We are pleased to announce that we have now formed a new link with another such body. THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION may be able to help some members of our FPA. The Royal British Legion provides support to Ex-Services people as well as to current Service Personnel. Thanks to the great support from the public the RBL is now spending £1,400,000 per week helping Service Personnel and their families, something they are able to do as needed for as long as they live. The RBL Welfare Work is a lifeline for thousands of Service and Ex-Service people and their families. We are aware that some of our longer serving FPA members would have done National Service which would qualify them for help from the RBL. Unfortunately, they are of an age where the wear and tear on their bodies is probably catching up with them, medical care during their playing days was perhaps not as sophisticated as it is today and incomes were minute by today’s standards! Under this programme the RBL has been able to fund (for example): Personnel Recovery Centres for the wounded; adapting a home to make it suitable for the disabled, young or old; or providing other support such as an Electric Wheelchair or Mobility Scooter. If any of our former player members reading this, or their spouse, are ex-services and feel thay could benefit from some help from RBL (or you know of a former CCFC player in this situation) please contact committee member Mike Young ( initially and he will arrange for someone from the RBL to contact that person and discuss what can be done in confidence.