NUFC Tribute Could Have Been Better!

Newcastle United have confirmed there will be a tribute to former midfielder Gary Speed, who died last Sunday, at Saturday's game against Chelsea. But is the WELSH anthem the way we want to remember him? There will be a rendition of the hymn 'Bread of Heaven' prior to the game. Leeds United supporters had (in my opinion) a better idea and are obviously more in touch with football 'reality' than Toot And Ploot (Ashley and Llambias). We remember Gary Speed for his passion and skill . not his Welsh-ness. Leeds fans waited until the 11th minute of their game against Nottingham Forest, to sing his name for eleven minutes. Newcastle will ask fans to hold up black and white cards depicting the number 11, his shirt number at Newcastle. Following the tribute, a minute's applause will be held. In addition the matchday programme will feature an image of Speed on the cover, and a four page tribute.