Time To Stop Players Surrounding Referees

One tactic that should be punished You often get asked if you could change one law in football what would it be? Well I’d certainly bring in a change to prevent the surrounding of referees by players in order to get an opposing player sent off. Those of us at the Ricoh Arena on Saturday saw it when the Burnley players surrounded an already card happy referee to ensure that he sent off Gael Bigirimana following a two footed tackle on Keiran Trippier and it was something employed by Norwich City and Leeds United at the Ricoh Arena last season. For me, this tactic is against the spirit of the laws of the game. It is clearly attempting to use mob rule to seek to gain an unfair advantage, shows disrespect to the referee and should be dealt with by a yellow card for every player involved with a red card to follow if a player has already been cautioned. Whilst I’m glad that the Coventry City players do not lower themselves to this level, sometimes you think if they did kick up more of a fuss to the referee, then we might get a few more decisions.