Submitting Evidence - Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Bill

Submitting evidence to amend the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Bill. If you’ve read the proposals you can have an input to seek to amend the Bill.As the Bill is widely seen as injurious to civil liberties individuals and organisations may care to take the time to put their objects down in writing for consideration by MSPs.The Scottish Parliament website gives a decent guide to submitting evidence.  This should be done before noon on Friday 24th June - The Committee prefers to receive written submissions electronically (preferably in Microsoft Word format). These should be sent by e-mail to: justice.committee@scottish.parliament.ukYou can also make a written submission to Justice Committee, Room TG.01, The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP.How to submit evidence and concerns re the bill.1. meeting of the committee.2. to get tickets for the committee. 3.