Scottish Government Mean To Get Tough On Sectarian Crime

New legislation could be in place over the summer which will make sectarian and other forms of hatred illegal in Scotland The Scottish Government intend to set new laws to crack down on sectarian and other forms of hatred in Scotland. They hope to have them in place in time for the new football season after Ministers introduced a draft Bill to the Scottish Parliament. The legislation seeks to create two new offences relating to offensive behaviour that can incite religious, racial or other forms of hatred, in and around football grounds and on the internet. Full details of the draft bill can be found on the Scottish Government website. Following the announcement, Stewart Regan, Scottish FA chief executive, said: "The Scottish FA welcomes the new Bill as tangible evidence of the success of the Joint Action Group. In particular, we are pleased to see that it covers sectarian and other forms of unacceptable chanting and threatening behaviour. As we approach the start of a new season, it is important we look forward with anticipation and excitement. Football is this country’s national sport and we all have a responsibility to ensure that entertainment replaces aggravation and that a family atmosphere is generated inside our grounds instead of a hostile one. As part of our new strategic plan, the Scottish FA has developed a Scotland United philosophy and it is our wish that everyone involved in the game in this country - the league bodies, supporters, clubs and media - embraces that ethos."