Ideas for League Cup Final - how about a Retro day?

The forthcoming clash with our old pals from across the city is sure to be a laugh-a-minute expression of fraternity and love. But leaving that aside for the moment, this game on March 20th does present a good opportunity for some fun. Nobody will ever forget the impact of the 2000 Oranje final and there have been several other flag days and displays in recent times that have been exceptional. So why not try and get as many as possible involved in a retro day? Suggestions for the day include - Old jerseys and replica shirts; old flags and banners; tea-towels; anything suitable for the occasion. And a special notice on scarves. Although still popular there’s been a drift away from taking one to games, perhaps coinciding with a more general move from some to avoid any colours and look resplendent in their nice clobber. But many of the latest £500 jackets have a decidedly retro feel to them, so if the cool kids and dudes can do it, so can us scruffs. Some will say – “what’s the point?” Others may grumble – “It can’t be done.” It can be done. And the point is simple: a fun expression of fan culture with a nod to the fine history of the Club. If organised properly we can expect some support from official club organs in spreading the word. Various fan groups who have brightened up many a dull day at Ibrox and beyond have shown the way. But it takes mass participation for an idea to fully come to fruition. So please, let's discuss and refine the idea. Let’s see what we can do.