Team of the Decade: The Managers

Blades-Mad kick start our search for team of the decade by asking fans to vote for their favourite manager from the past ten years. neil warnock - longest serving blades manager in past 10 years. but is he the best?In the previous ten years; since the start of the 2000/01 campaign the Blades have appointed no more than four managers with Neil Warnock being the longest serving of all four.Following the departure of Warnock a recognised name in Bryan Robson was drafted in; though he didn't last the season. Kevin Blackwell took over from the former Manchester United midfielder and recently Gary Speed was soon appointed.Fans have the opportunity to vote for their favourite Sheffield United manager from the last ten years; you have until midnight on Sunday 19 December 2010 to register your vote.Results on this poll will be shown on Blades-Mad after the New Year.ß CLICK HERE TO VOTE FOR YOUR TOP BOSS à