Prefered Bidder Could Be Announced In Next Ten Days

09 June 2013 00:00
Fate Could Be Known In Ten Days?

According to a tweet from the Coventry Telegraph's Les Reid, Administrator Paul Appleton 'could' be close to announcing who has won the bid for what ever is in CCFC Ltd.

Both a consortium involving Preston Haskell IV and SISU Capital Ltd , under some guise, have submitted bids for CCFC Ltd along with a number of other consortiums including local businessman Michael Byng.

Mr Reid tweeted: "Some think administrator will announce preferred bidder(s) for #CCFC Ltd with 10 days." 

Tim Fisher has maintained a stance that as soon as CCFC Ltd comes out of administration the better, although it may well go down to the Football League if the bid winner is not the SISU back interest.


Source: Coventry MAD